Job Opportunities
Thank you for considering the 24×7 Group as your next employment opportunity.
Thank you for considering the 24×7 Group as your next employment opportunity.
All 24×7 drivers hold private hire licences, for which satisfactory Enhanced DBS certification and a DVLA Group 2 Medical are mandatory. Most local authorities also require their licence applicants to undertake a successful driving assessment with an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) before the licence will be issued.
All passenger assistants (escorts) must receive satisfactory Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certification and are provided with tailored, person-centred training that meets the individual needs of their passenger(s).
We often have opportunities in support roles at our HQ, namely in finance, fleet, and general administration.
Similar positions may also become available within our regional operations.
Please look at our currently advertised roles for more information.
You will need to have an Enhanced DBS to obtain your Private Hire Licence. If you are unsure if anything will show up on your DBS is its advised to speak directly to your local operator. All past, spent and current convictions and incidents will show up on the checks done. Some offences will prevent a licence being obtained. If you have a recent DBS this may be acceptable if your DBS is on the update service. Some you should not need to have a new DBS.
Some Licensing Authorities require a separate safeguarding course as part of obtaining a PHV licence or in some councils this is integrated into a passenger assistant/driver awareness course as part of county badging. Here you will gain knowledge of how to work safely with vulnerable passengers and what to do in circumstances where there is a safeguarding concern. This equips both driver and PA with the knowledge to conduct themselves in a professional and appropriate way.
SEN Safeguarding
On 21 July 2020, the Department for Transport (DfT) published its Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards. These include a requirement that all licensing authorities should provide safeguarding guidance to the trade and should require taxi and private hire vehicle drivers to undertake safeguarding training.
Some councils require an external examiner Driver assessment – we will arrange and pay for this following you receiving a job offer.
Some Licencing authorities will an element of driver training, we will guide you through the process and pay for any training required.
A group 2 medical will be required for your licence, we will give you the details of how this can be done locally and we will pay for your medical.